Calvin Denson was born in Atlantic City, New Jersey, but grew up in Beaumont, Texas. His mom Janice Boswell was from California. It was there where she married his step father, Henry Boswell who was in the Marines and also a minister of the Gospel. After serving his time in the service, his step father moved him and his brothers back to Beaumont where he’s from.
Growing up in Beaumont, he learned the streets. Even though the streets played an important role in his life, his mom always kept him grounded in the area of education and in the Lord. His love for his mother never allowed him to let his interest be totally on what was going on every day that he stepped outside his home. He doesn’t regret anything he has ever done in life because it has made him who he is today.
His ministry is to show the world that it’s never too late to change your life. Every day, he sees a lot of people who have gifts and talents but doesn’t believe in themselves to fully used them. His prayer is that the words that God has given him touch those people into exercising their God given gifts, so that they too can play their part in this world, just as he’s doing through his writing. Be blessed and enjoy the website.